Analog Circuits


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An analog circuit is a circuit with a continuous, variable signal (that is, an analog signal), as opposed to a digital circuit where a signal must be one of two discrete levels. Analog circuits within electrical equipment can convey information through changes in the current, voltage, or frequency. Most electronics today use digital circuits because they are easier to design and less susceptible to noise, among other benefits. However, a device that interfaces with the environment require at least some analog component to take in this information before converting. The Analog electronic circuit includes an analog signal with any continuously changeable signal. While working on an analog signal, an analog circuit alters the signal in some manner. Analog circuit can be used to convert the original signal into some other format such as a digital signal. Analog circuits may also modify signals in inadvertent ways like adding noise or distortion. Analog circuits are classified into two types, namely active analog circuits and passive analog circuits. An analog circuit uses an electrical power source to get the goals of a designer while Passive circuits use no external electrical power.


This book is pretty much easy to understand the OPERATION AMPLIFIER Which is a part of analog circuits this whole book is based on operation amplifier this book help those students who are the beginner in this subject they can easily understand the basic to advance of that particular topic from my personal experience says that this is the best book of operational amplifier and covered all about Amplifiers, types of amplifier inverting non inverting, summer, log, antilog amplifiers etc.
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Here is the download link is available to learn the pdf of this subject. we are providing you all famous writer of analog circuits through collectallpdf.blogspot.com.
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The principle of electronics by V.K Mehta and Rohit Mehta is a very useful book to learn the basic principle of electronics . to grasp the knowledge of this core subject of electronics you have to first understand the easily understandable language of the book . to enhance your knowledge about this subject this book is very useful for beginner in this subject , because of this easy understandable language of this book it is easy to understand and also to learn hence my personal recommendation if one who is a beginner and learn this subject completely I am here to guide you how to learn this subject step by step so that  you can get easy approach in this subject .
To learn any subject you have to cover all the basics of that particular subject. V.K Mehta is the best Indian writer to learn all of the principles of electronics. 
 This book provides you to all theory of fundamental of electronics and guides you to learn all about electronics.
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It would be definitely Electronics devices and circuit theory by Robert BoyLestad. This book has covered every aspect of analog electronics and its concepts along with relevant examples and applications. the concepts are very clearly presented in this book and it covers a lot of topics. A must-read for beginners in this subject. the main aspect of this book is this that it will help you to understand you not only the analog circuits but you can also grasp the knowledge of your one more core subject i.e electronic device and circuits.

Hence this one book is sufficient if someone wants to learn about analog circuits as well as electronic devices and circuits for their semester during there engineering.
I recommend you that book only for your college life because it will help you took one step further in that particular subject so that you can stand in front of all other competitors who are able to understand some standard book of this subjects which we will discuss further.

But before that, you can download the pdf of this book by clicking the download button available below:
Here is the download link is available to learn the pdf of this subject. we are providing you all famous writer of analog circuits through collectallpdf.blogspot.com.
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This book covers almost every topic of analog circuits in details and is considered the Bible of analog circuits by many students and professors.
This book is referred to as a Bible of analog circuits because it covers several advance topic of analog circuits as well as it is important for all competitive exam such as GATE, ESE  etc 
So from my recommendation for that particular book is that you have not to start analog circuits by reading this book as a beginner if you have all knowledge about this subject then only you can through that book also and it will clear your all doubts regarding this subject 
This particular book is sufficient for you to solve all advance level sums regarding analog circuits which also a part of some other competitive exams also many professors also use this book for their student to help them to clear their doubts.
He is the most famous writer o this subject so you can go through this pdf so that you can learn this subject.
Here is the download link is available to learn the pdf of this subject. we are providing you all famous writer of analog circuits through collectallpdf.blogspot.com.
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Microelectronic Circuits book is one of the most basic but comprehensive books for Electrical and Electronics Engineering covering topics from semiconductor diodes to integrated Circuits high level. Sedra and Smith wrote Microelectronic Circuits book in such fantastic way so engineering students of low grades can also understand easily.

Sedra and Smith included circuits, equations and their derivation with the help of several examples of each topic in microelectronic circuits.
Sedra and Smith is undoubtedly a very good book for microelectronics, explained every topic in a very lucid manner. You can get the Microelectronic Circuits by Sedra and Smith from the below-given link along with the solutions manual for 6th edition.

Here is the download link is available to learn the pdf of this subject. we are providing you all famous writer of analog circuits through collectallpdf.blogspot.com.
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These two books are enough for studying this subject.
In these pdf, you can analyze the behavior of all fundamentals concept of analog circuits that will help you to understand the basic concept of this subject hence it may very useful to you to read this type of pdf and you can collect all pdf related to this subject and many more pdf you can collect here.

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